NMFTA Changes Impact Shipping Costs
Effective August 15, 2020 NMFTA,the organization that sets national freight pricing based on class codes, modified paper tube and paper product class codes. The NMFTA created, modified and/or obsoleted certain class codes that directly have an effect on the costs associated with shipping paper tubes and paper products. These modifications to the class codes are being felt by every manufacturer and freight carrier in the United States.
From a dollars and cents approach these revised/new class codes mean increases in freight costs. While some customers may experience only minor increases - we have already seen costs that are double that of previous shipments. Until we process each customer's order, we will not be able to determine how these changes will impact their freight costs. To keep costs as low as possible, Custom Paper Tubes negotiates annual contracts with our preferred shippers. These contracts provide discounts that are passed on to our customers. (Preferred shippers are currently FedEx Freight, UPS Feight and XPO)
For our current customers, we know this change may be of great concern. We encourage those customers to contact their account manager to review their concerns.